CNRS International Research Project: Bordeaux - Paris - Warsaw

2024 - 2028


Le Trójkąt ("triangle" in Polish, with a French touch) is a CNRS International Research Project starting in 2024, for five years. The aim is to develop and intensify relations within Le Trójkąt: the Formal Models and Methods (M2F) department at LaBRI (Bordeaux), the Automata, Structures and Verification (ASV) cluster at IRIF (Paris), and the Automata team at Warsaw University. More generally, the aim is to strengthen collaboration between France and Poland around the themes commonly known as 'Track B' of Theoretical Computer Science: Automata, Logic, Graphs.

CNRS press release (in French)


Nathanaël Fijalkow
Bordeaux (LaBRI)

Principal investigator

Nathalie Bertrand
Rennes (IRISA)

Local correspondent

Patricia Bouyer
Saclay (LMF)

Local correspondent

Local correspondent

Florian Horn
Paris (IRIF)

Paweł Gawrychowski

Local correspondent

Denis Kuperberg
Lyon (ENS Lyon)

Local correspondent

Filip Mazowiecki
Warsaw (UW)

Local correspondent

Karoliina Lehtinen
Marseille (LIS)

Local correspondent

Charles Paperman

Local correspondent

Wojciech Penczek
Warsaw (IPI-PAN)

Local correspondent

Laure Petrucci
Paris (LIPN)

Local correspondent

Tatiana Starikovskaya
Paris (ENS Paris)

Local correspondent


  • 06-07/2024: Research visit of Paweł Parys to ENS Lyon
  • 02-07/2024: Internship of Hugo Francon to University of Warsaw, with Filip Mazowiecki
  • 03-07/2024: Internship of Benoît Huftier to University of Warsaw, with Michał Pilipczuk


Thanks to a PHC project, Étienne André and Laure Petrucci (LIPN) collaborate with researchers at IPI-PAN (Warsaw). Below a picture from a visit in Warsaw in Summer 2024.